south wind
westwards the sea dwindles into a range of mountains
from left the maddening south wind blows
the kind of wind that whips flesh off the bone
our house among the pines and carobs:
large windows, large tables
for writing you the letters we have been writing
so many months now
paper to fill the emptiness of our separation
morning star, when you looked down upon us
our times were sweeter than oil on a wound
more joyous than cold water to the palate
more peaceful than the wings of swans
you held our life in the palm of your hand
after the bitter bread of exile
at night when waiting at the white wall
your voice comes to us like a hope of fire
and again this wind hones
its razor against our nerves
each of us writes you the same thing
and each falls silent in the other's presence
each of us on his own stares towards
the same world, the light and darkness on the mountain
how will this sorrow be lifted fro our hearts?
a hard rain fell last night and again today
the sky is grey and heavy
our thoughts - like the pine needles of yesterday's rain
lie piled against the door and useless
peak to a tower and collapse
among these decimated villages
on this headland naked to the south wind
on this side of the mountains which hold you prisoner
who will calculate the cost
of our decision to forget?
who will accept our offering
here at the end of autmn?
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