In the early 60s - late 70's, the International Art magazine BolaffiArte, had the brilliant idea of entrusting the production of each of its front covers to a prolific artist. These included the likes of Warhol, Moore, Man Ray, Miro and De Chirico. This idea sparked an array of unique, unrepeatable, limited edition, numbered and many signed prints.
The covers, with their BolaffiArte embossed stamps, and reverse information certificate, were distributed and produced in numerous themes over the years, to include Alphabet, Arabic Numbers, The Muses, Playing Cards, Deadly Sins and the Liberal Arts.
Print techniques included photolithography, screen print, relief and the likes, all presenting a story pertinent to the Artist and their stories of the time.
Chris Burden, 'Arancio' (Orange), 1977
Giacomo Manzu, 'La lettera 'T' (Letter 'T')
Allen Jones, Rosso
Claudio Verna, 'del Disegno a cera'
Giuseppe Guerreschi, 'La lettera 'U' (The Letter U), 1974
Man Ray, 'La lettera 'R' ' (the letter 'R')
Mauro Reggiani, 'Quadri' (Diamonds), c1976
Marino Marini, 'La lettera 'X' ' (he Letter 'X'), c1974
Luigi Spacal, 'Omaggio ai Martiri della risiera di Trieste.', 1971
Vito, 'La mela' (the Apple), 1972
Guy Harloff, 'Forme libre Bolaffiarte' (Free Form Bollafiarte), 1974
Mario Schifano, 'Il Gusto' (The Taste), 1974
Gino Marotta, 'Struzzo', 1974
Alicia Penalba, 'Il Cancro' (The Cancer), 1975
Eugenio Carmi, 'Segnale Immaginario' (Imaginary Signal), 1974
Max Bill, 'la Lettera 'N' ' (the Letter 'N'), 1973
Flavio Costantini, 'Il Re' (The King)
Daniel Spoerri, 'Lo Scorpione' (Scorpio), 1975
Leonardo Cremonini, 'Violetto' (Violet), 1977
Gio Pomodoro, 'Il Sagittario' (The Sagittarius), 1976
Robert Rauschenberg, 'Il Tatto' (The sense of touch), c1974
Graham Sutherland, 'La lettera 'S' ' (the Letter 'S'), c1973
Aldo Mondino, Collage
Rafael Alberti, 'Cuori' (Hearts), 1976
Pietro Consagra, 'La Lettera 'L' ' (The Letter 'L'), 1973
Jim Rosenquist, 'L'Olfatto' (The Act), 1974
Giulio Turcato, 'Composizione Segnica', 1973
Jiri Kolar, 'Verde' (Grass Green), 1977
Mimmo Rotella, 'La Vergine' (The Virgin), 1976
Eliseo Mattiacci, 'I Pesci' (Pisces), 1976
Ugo Nespolo, 'La Vista' (The View), 1974
Edward Kienholz, 'Il senso degli affari' (Business Sense), 1975
Fabrizio Clerici, 'L 'Ariete' (The Ram), 1975
Concetto Pozzati, 'Fiori' (Playing cards suit Clubs), 1976
Michelangelo Pistoletto, 'L Acquario' (Aquarius), 1976
Achille Perilli, 'Picche' (Spades), 1976
Ibrahim Kodra, 'Suonatori' (Players), 1974
Giuseppe Santomaso, 'La Lettera 'H' (The Letter 'H'), 1973
Mario Radice, 'Il Toro' (The Bull), 1975
Giorgio Giusti, 'Guisti's Dream 19', 1974
Renzo Vespignani, 'I Gemelli' (Twins), 1975
Ivan Rabuzin, 'Il Capricorno' (Capricorn), 1975
Giorgio De Chirico, 'la Lettera 'O' ', (Letter O), 1973
Pablo Echaurren, 'Le restanti sono andate perdute', 1974
Luca Alinari, 'Poco universo 2' (Little Universe 2)
Lothar Fisher, 'Torta femminile' (Feminine Cake), 1974
Pierluigi Lavagnino, 'Ombra in un Cespuglio' (Ombre in a bush), 1973
Corrado Cagli, 'La Lettera 'P' ' (The Letter 'P'), 1973
Pietro Cascella, 'La lettera 'Y' (the Letter 'Y'), 1973
Germano Olivotto, 'Foto di una ripresa televisiva di una sostituzione di un abinte della citta.', 1973
Attilio Forgioli, 'Isola' (Island), 1973
Wolf Vostell, 'La Bilancia' (The Balance)